An affordable way to get accountability, access services, and stay in touch.

Get monthly meal plans and recipes along with access to THE BEST food and lifestyle journaling app on Practice Better for as little as $19/month.

Our app can scan bar codes, has a huge data base and lets you enter your recipes.

  • I help you set personalized nutrient goals and the app lets you know when you hit them

  • Track your gains and your losses

  • Sync with your wearables like Fitbit, Apple Health, and Cronometer

  • Monthly meal plans, recipes and tons of extra meal planning resources.

Plan for success and build in accountability.

Stop and start whenever you like

All our membership levels allow you to stop and start at any time. I want you to get the support you need! If there’s one thing I’ve seen, it’s that when my clients have an appointment with me on the calendar and know we’ll be reviewing journals or CGM data that month, it helps them be accountable to their goals and feel better.


  • Basic Meal Planning Membership

    Meal Planning Membership $19/month

    Get a 4-week meal plan with recipes each month, access to the Food and Lifestyle journal and lots of other meal planning resources.

  • Accountability Membership $97/mo

    Accountability Membership $97/mo

    Includes the meal planning membership plus one appointment per month. Great for former clients who want continued support or a new client who wants some accountability.

Healthy Blood Sugar Memberships

  • Basic Meal Planning Membership

    Meal Planning Membership $19/month

    Get a 4-week meal plan with recipes each month, access to the Food and Lifestyle journal and lots of other meal planning resources focused on healthy blood sugar.

  • Accountability Membership $97/mo

    Accountability Membership $97/mo

    Includes the meal planning membership plus one appointment per month to review food journals, CGM data, or get more customized meal planning support.

If it’s hard, we do it together.

I mean, if it was easy, you would have done it by now and could do it on your own, right? But we can’t all be awesome at everything. (Ask me how I know!🤭)

With the stuff that we get stuck on, we get support from others. That is, if we want to succeed! I’m that person for you when it comes to nutrition and health. That’s my job.

I know how messy life can be and if you upgrade to the Accountability Memberships, we’ll meet monthly to see what your One Thing is for that month and sketch out some smart goals for you to take on along with some meal planning.

If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. -Woody Allen

Then we’ll meet and see how it all went. I like to find a good balance between taking our health seriously and keeping a sense of humor about our messy lives. I’ll help you keep some perspective and a healthy dose of humor because you’ve got to laugh at life a little.

Want a sneak peek at the programs?

In this short video, Karen gives you a tour of the platform and the materials you’ll find in your membership.


  • There is no commitment. Stop and start anytime. You will need to email me to stop your membership and I will need 3 working days to stop your next payment.

  • Just email me HERE and allow for 3 business days for me to cancel your upcoming payment.

  • You will need to log into your account with me. Click HERE to log in and enter your password. If you’ve forgotten your password, please use the password recovery system in the platform.

Want to start with an initial appointment?

If we haven’t worked together, you might want to start with a proper intake. I can look at your most recent labs, go over your health history and current diet. THEN you and I sit down and talk about it to see what your goals are and how we want to proceed. THEN move into a membership to help you achieve those goals and plan meals more effectively.