Master Your Blood Sugar: Top 3 Hacks to Transform Your Health

If you're looking for ways to manage your blood sugar effectively, you're in the right place. I've seen firsthand how the right strategies can make a profound difference—not just for my clients, but for countless individuals who've reached out to share their success stories. 

Understanding the 80/20 Rule in Blood Sugar Management

"Roughly 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts." This idea, known as the 80/20 rule, and is something I help my clients use when approaching their health. It's all about focusing on the most impactful actions to optimize our efforts and achieve better results with less work. When it comes to managing blood sugar, this principle has never been more relevant.

Let me give you an example. When I’m reviewing a person’s continuous glucose monitor (CGM) data, the first thing I want to do is help them improve their overnight glucose levels. Why? Because statistically, if you can get your glucose levels down from bedtime until breakfast, that’s about 10 straight hours of healthy glucose levels. That’s nearly half of your life. So if we do nothing else, we work on getting that time period down below 100mg/dl and we’ll see big improvements in health across the board from better sleep, lower A1c, triglycerides, belly fat, liver fat, and lower risk of heart disease.

Hack #1: Mastering the Order of Eating for Stable Blood Sugar

“Follow the order of eating.”

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to manage your blood sugar levels is to pay attention to the order in which you eat your meals. It's not about changing what you eat, but rather the sequence. Starting your meal with a high-protein food or a non-starchy vegetable like a salad can significantly slow down the absorption of sugars from your meal, leading to more stable blood sugar levels. This approach doesn't require you to eat all of your protein or salad first, just enough to make a difference. And trust me, it does make a difference.

Meal planning around protein turns out to be important for many reasons AND really challenging for many of my clients. If you’d like a great guide to walk you through how to calculate your protein needs and some great ideas for how to work it into your meals and snacks, I wrote more about it a while back in THIS ARTICLE and I’ve got a nice free guide you can download on meal planning around protein. (1,2,3)

Hack #2: The Importance of Timing Your Last Meal

"Stop eating 2-3 hours before bed." 

Sounds simple, right? Yet, it's a game-changer for your blood sugar and sleep quality. This habit gives your body time to digest your last meal and allows your blood sugar levels to stabilize before you sleep. I've noticed a common pattern where people struggle with this because they're not eating enough during the day, especially protein. Addressing this can help manage those late-night cravings and make it easier to close the kitchen early.

And remember that 80/20 rule? This single hack has made a huge difference to many of my clients.

The most common problem with the way some people are applying intermittent fasting is that it leads to overeating at night. They don’t eat until about noon. They don’t properly fuel the most active part of their day, and this can (in some people) increase stress and lead to overeating later in the day. It also makes it a challenge for some to meet their protein needs. If this sounds like you, experiment for a month by adding a meal with 30g of protein a few hours after waking to see if it’s easier to pull back that evening meal. (4,5,6,7)

Hack #3: The Surprising Impact of a Short Post-Meal Walk

"Take a short walk after dinner... and after lunch." 

I'm talking about a leisurely 10-minute stroll, not a power walk. This simple act can improve your digestion, metabolism, and yes… your blood sugar levels. I'll admit, I was skeptical at first. But after seeing the clear evidence from continuous glucose monitors, I'm a believer—and I practice what I preach, taking my dog for a lap around the fields every night, no matter the season. (8,9)

Bonus: it helped me break the habit of reaching for a sweet after every meal!

Implementing the Hacks: A Guide to Better Health

These three hacks are more than just tips; they're a testament to the power of simple, effective changes that can lead to significant health improvements. And while I encourage exploring the use of a CGM to get personalized data, remember that these strategies are universally beneficial.

I'd love to hear how these hacks work for you. Whether it's through social media, email, or comments below, your feedback not only inspires me but also helps others on their journey to better health. And as we continue this conversation, we'll delve deeper into understanding our bodies and the tools that can help us thrive.

Remember, it's the small steps that lead to big changes. Here's to taking those steps together towards better health and stable blood sugar levels.


Karen Kennedy MS, CN, IFNCP

Karen is a certified nutritionist in Washington State who is board certified in integrative and functional nutrition. She specializes in metabolic health and helping people “hack” their blood sugar using continuous glucose monitors.

An Overview of Continuous Glucose Monitor Services in 2024